We’re here to give community members the opportunity to capture their dreams and goals and guide them on a path that will establish their foundations to become leaders amongst their peers. Our purpose is to give students the best opportunity to thrive and succeed in life. We’re committing ourselves in providing guidance, encouragement, and confidence that will empower students to successfully attain their greatest potential in academics.
Coyote Valley Education Department offers multiple programs to Tribal Members from Kindergarten to Collegiate students. Programs are funded through Federal Award funds and Tribal distribution. Students can receive assistance in academic tutoring support, receiving student aid for undergraduate programs, finding scholarships, support in joining vocational training/trade institute, and establish Individual Education Plans that will guide Tribal Members through their educational careers. Many of these supports are offered year-round to all students.

Students pursuing undergraduate degrees or vocational careers have the opportunity to receive student aid through their Tribe. Student aid will assist in paying tuition costs, textbooks & school supplies, room & board, and transportation fees. Funding for this assistance comes from tribal funds and BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Federal Department. Funding availability varies year to year as Tribal revenue and Federal Government budgets fluctuate. Aid is available for all institute grading term systems: trimester, semester, quarter, module, and skill trade fees (vocational). Students must enroll in one of the grading terms mentioned above to be recognized as students receiving student aid through the Tribe. The application can be found on the website under “Student Aid” or PDF copies can be emailed to you directly.

Tutoring services are available at the education centers five days a week; Monday – Friday, 2:30 pm – 7:00 pm. These services are offered to any Tribal Member pursuing their academics in Elementary, Jr. High, High School, and College. Students needing one on one support in tutoring may be requested. Time slots for private sessions are conducted during the evenings. Children between grades K – 12 can receive tutoring after school with access to libraries, computer stations, textbooks, internet, and workstations. Please contact the EDU office if you have any questions regarding tutoring services.

Food Program Children 17 years and younger are eligible to receive portion snacks during the academic school year & portion lunch during summer breaks through the California Department of Education food program. Each meal is portioned to give children the necessary nutrients needed daily. Snacks are mandatory to offer at least two out of the five food groups & three out of the five food groups for lunch meals. Meals are cycled every fifth teen days giving children a variant of options each week. Menus are created by community, staff and children’s input. As seasons change throughout the year so does menu production. Meals offer during winter & fall focus on hot components as spring & summer focus on cold components making food consumption more pleasing to children.

Activities are done daily in the EDU centers & gymnasium once children have completed their academic assignments. Each week is focused on particular themes that engage children in arts n crafts, painting, drawing, building, music, and other creative/artistic skills. The majority of these themes/activities are created by children’s input & ideas that is expressed to staff. Children interested in recreational activity have the chance to do physical sports activity in the gymnasium with staff. Children have many options to choose from to keep them engaged and learn different types of skills at the same time. The majority of these trips are done when children are on school/holiday breaks giving them the opportunity to attend these functions without interfering with schooling. Some trips involve long-distance traveling & overnight staying.