The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) facilitates a variety of health and social services to eligible members of the Tribe and their families.
Purchased/Referred Care and Patient Care Services
As a Purchased/Referred Care Services (PRC) provider Coyote Valley provides supplementary financial assistance for direct care medical, dental, and hospital claims to eligible members. Services under PRC are limited and subject to change in accordance with health care priorities or levels as adopted by the Department.
In order to provide services to members and their families that may not meet the requirements under Purchased/Referred Care Services (PRC), the Tribe has established a program for patient care services that fall outside the priorities of the grant. Tribal Members and eligible spouses, including those that do not live within the service area prescribed under PRC, may be eligible for services under this program.
To apply for services with the Coyote Valley Health Program submit a completed Application for Health Services.
Outreach Program
The Outreach Program is a coordinated health care program designed to enhance the quality of life for the people served. The program provides a continuum of health care services through the implementation of treatment plans, case coordination with direct service providers, referral follow-up, and various other support services to its participants. An on-staff Community Health Representative is on the front-line providing health care maintenance and preventive health services and is a vital link to health care resources.
Coyote Valley Transportation Services
Transportation services are provided on a limited basis. The Department may assist with transportation to health care providers and facilities when medically necessary and other means are not available. Transportation service will be coordinated or arranged through the Coyote Valley Health Department. To request transportation services contact the HHS department staff at our Tribal Administration Office (707) 485-8723.
In-home Supportive Services (Elder Care)
The IHSS Elder Care Assistance Program is an alternative to out-of-home care, such as nursing homes or board and care facilities for members, 65 years of age, and disabled. The program will help pay for services such as housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, personal care services (such as bowel and bladder care, bathing, grooming and paramedical services), accompaniment to medical appointments, and protective supervision for the mentally impaired.
To enroll, submit an IHSS Elder Care Assistance Application to the HHS Department.
Other Forms:
IHSS Contractor Agreement
IHSS Elder Care Assistance Recipient Designation of Provider
IHSS ECA Qualification Form
IHSS Time Sheet – ElderCare
Residential Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Program
The Tribe adopted the Residential Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Program in order to encourage a healthy and sober lifestyle. The Tribe may assist eligible members in obtaining treatment at a certified residential treatment facility. The Department provides consistent coordination of care with a certified facility to properly plan for treatment, aftercare, and long term success.
To request program assistance submit a Request for Assistance Form to the HHS Department or contact HHS Department staff for more help.
Burial Assistance
Burial Assistance is provided to any adult member of the Tribe or member’s spouse, natural or legally adopted child(ren), siblings, grandchild(ren) in order to alleviate the financial hardship caused by the death of a family member.
To request assistance submit a Burial Assistance Request to the HHS Department.
General Assistance Programs for Adult and Elder Members
Tribal Council has recently adopted a General Welfare Ordinance adopting the provisions of the Tribal General Welfare Act into tribal law. The General Assistance Program and Tribal Elder Assistance Program are designed to provide additional financial assistance to pay for basic living expenses, including utilities, medical care, and food. Each adult tribal member (eighteen years and older) will receive a stipend of $100 per month for this purpose. Furthermore, elder’s fifty-five (55) years and better will receive an additional $100 stipend per month.
Submit a General Assistance Application to the HHS Department to receive benefits through these programs.
General Assistance Application for $2500
Sexual Assault Awareness
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